The goal as a business owner is to have a corporate culture where everyone on your team can feel empowered to amplify your brand’s mission and its impact on the world.

With a special focus on purpose-driven female leaders, Lindsay helps your team appreciate the people around them in an encouraging and safe way that celebrates diversity and enhances inclusion.

From unmasking the secrets of beauty propaganda that have us questioning ourselves to implementing safe and encouraging appreciation practices – Lindsay’s work through Keynote speeches and breakout portrait sessions emboldens confidence.

Motivational and Keynote Speaking + Empowerment Photography to Inspire, motivate and build confidence throughout your organization

Why does your organization need an empowerment speaker?

Team members
fear showing up and marketing themselves as part of the company brand.

Staff members
too anxious to participate in team and culture building activities

settle for status quo vs having a stake in the brands mission to make an impact

lacks the personal confidence to motivate perspective clients to want to work with them

Empowering Corporate Events with motivational workshops that inspire genuine confidence

Combining inspirational speaking with empowerment photography, Lindsay helps define your team’s personal style and rebrand your company’s professional image, all in service of maintaining and celebrating diverse and inclusive representation.

Ever wonder why celebrities always look so stylish and effortless? It’s not their money. It’s a deep sense of confidence paired with an understanding of their personal style. And after working with Lindsay, your team will feel and look their best and most importantly they will believe in themselves.

What will your team learn?

How to overcome the fear of “showing up fully” by finding deep-rooted confidence in themselves.

How being inclusive can empower a team’s energy and makes the workplace more fun, exciting, encouraging and safe.

How to cultivate a personal brand that gives a sense of individuality while still driving home your corporate mission statement.

How to use strategic self talk and physical breathing methods to diminish anxieties.

Style tricks to feel and look their best every time they show up to represent your company.

When you feel confident, your sales will skyrocket because positive self-esteem is the foundation to building client trust.

Mixing traditional keynote speaking and workshops with award-winning photography, you have a recipe for making drool-worthy social media and traditional media images that make a statement of trust, know-how, and your ability to stay on-trend.

Think Selling Sunset meets TEDx

Self Love Experience


Self Love Experience helps individuals overcome negative body image by lifting the curtain on the tricks of the beauty propaganda machine to show that anyone is capable of looking like a magazine cover model.